Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wake-Up,Take-Up & Shake-Up

It is a fact that the Bible is a huge best seller, it has been rewritten in more translations and languages than any other publication. It can be found in most households around the world.

I remember growing up we had a large decorative family Bible that would take center stage on our coffee table, it was beautiful. But no one ever read it, it just sat gathering dust. It was just a decoration.

A few years ago high school seniors were asked questions about the Bible to find out how much they knew about God's word. Some thought Sodom and Gomorrah were lovers. And the Gospels were written by: Matthew, Mark, Luther and John. Some said Eve was created from an apple. Someone even said the epistles were the wives of the apostles.

Is it any wonder why our world is in a downward spiral?

The nations of the world need to turn back to God and His Word. The Bible is not irrelevant, it's very practical when read, understood and applied.

In the book of James chapter 1:21 he says; humbly accept the word planted in you. The word "accept" in the Greek translation means to; welcome, receive favorably, embrace, approve not reject. We must cultivate a heart and life that welcomes and embraces God's Word.

Its not government that can bring change, its God's Word living in and through His people that will change the world. Its time for the church to WAKE-UP, TAKE-UP & SHAKE-UP our cities with the Word of God.

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